the answer is:
1.)Skilled workers were less necessary.
2.)Fewer tasks needed to be done by hand.
3.)Inventions made production less time consuming.
1. The Treaty of Versailles
The Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay for all of the damage they caused, which was more than they could afford at the time, thus causing them to print more money and cause hyperinflation, leading to the rise of Hitler in the country's economic depression.
2. Rise of Communism
The Russian revolution happened a little while later, when Lenin rose to power and essentially forced communism onto Russia, which made then become the Soviet Union and leave the Allied Powers when WWII came around.
3. De-glorification of Warfare
Trench warfare was introduced during this time, as well as poison gas, which sharply turned war from a noble, honorable event into a disgusting and horrendous zone of terror. Bodies littered carelessly throughout trenches desensitized people to death and war, and war became less of an honor and more of a terror.
(hope this helped!)
Hey there!
The answer is A. That slavery was still allowed in a free nation.
One of the things the colonists fought for was freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press along with other things.
However, for hundreds of thousands of slaves torn away from their homes, they had none of these freedoms. They were considered inferior and not people.
A paradox is a statement that seems absurd of self-contradictory, which this statement very much is. If the U.S. is a free nation, then why do hundreds of thousands of people living there have no freedoms, stolen from them by the very people who advocated for their own freedom?
Hope this helps!
C. Low-paid workers and their families
1.) D.) High birth rates
As most of the countries in the world, Australia and New Zealand have some issues that make them problems, but the high birth rates is not one of those issues. These two nations do not have high birth rates, in fact they have low birth rates. The governments of these nations try to convince the people to have more children as they are starting to face an aging population which is very damaging for the economy. The younger population though is not that interested in having lot of children, and some don't want to have children at all.
2.) B.)They crowd out native animal territories
The invasive species are species that have been introduced into a new environment, be it naturally or because of the humans. These species more often than not manage to outcrowd the native species territories. This happens because the invasive species are often able to reproduce quicker. They tend to outcompete the native species, and also the native species do not have a defense mechanism against them. This results in explosion of the populations of invasive species, while the native species have significant decrease or go extinct.