In order to build up their military
The BPP (Black Panther Party) and Malcolm X (aka Malcom Little) established the Black Power Movement. They gave African American men a sense of unity and belonging in society. Both Malcolm and the Panthers challenged law enforcement officers, and frequently had confrontations.
The BPP exclusively had self-defense classes, to combat police brutality, and to patrol black neighbordhoods at night. Malcolm X encouraged his fellow black nationalists to protect themselves from white aggression.
Nowadays, civil rights groups, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, do not encourage nor condone violence, however, if attacked, they should practice self-defense.
Well I’m no expert with this but you should google 18th century hospitals and see the difference with those to now
Q: 116; Education is available to all the people throughout the world regardless of gender, race, and economic situation.
A: The answer is simple, it is supposed to be true, but there are many places in the world today where the availability of education is not that simple or morally correct to get anymore, such as certain places in the Middle East (there is currently a war going on right now, but I can't figure out what it is).