Its not an interrogative, because its not asking a question, its not exclamatory because its not excited, and its not imperative because its not telling someone to do something.
This chapter, set in the southernmost districts of British India in the first half of the twentieth century, argues that the colonial police were not an entity distant from rural society, appearing only to restore order at moments of rebellion. Rather, they held a widespread and regular, albeit selective, presence in the colonial countryside. Drawing on, and reproducing, colonial knowledge which objectified community and privileged property, routine police practices redirected the constable’s gaze and stave towards ‘dangerous’ spaces and ‘criminal’ subjects. Using detailed planning documents produced by European police officers and routine, previously unexplored, notes maintained by native inspectors at local stations, the chapter argues that colonial policemen also acted as agents of state surveillance and coercion at the level of the quotidian.
The meaning of the word dispute means a form of an argument.
A. mopped his brow, exhaled sharply, and picked up his phone.
A complete predicate includes the verb and the rest of the predicate phrase. A sentence is defined as words meaningfully grouped to express a complete thought. Most of the time, it has a subject and a predicate. In this sentence, the complete subject is ‘loud noises’ and the complete predicate is ‘disturbed the neighbors’. Basically, the sentence conveys the meaning that the neighbors are disturbed by loud noises. All the other choices are phrases or sentence fragments.