North Ireland is not part of Ireland even though they are on the same piece of land.
lack of industrialization
The developing nations are nations that are classified as nations with low development. This type of nations are usually poor, their economies are not in good condition, there is lot of corruption, and the people often don't have most of basic means for life at disposal.
Another major characteristic of these nations is the lack of industrialization. Very often, these nations have economies that are based on agriculture, but agriculture that is practiced in primitive manner and there is only one major or just few products that are being produced.
These nations tend to stride toward industrialization, and the developed nations are helping them with funding and investments. Unfortunately, the large scale corruption is hindering this process, and these nations tend to stagnate instead of move forward.
A "transform fault" is a fault line where two tectonic plates slide against each-other. Not all faults are transform faults. Some plates separate and allow magma to seep up and like a scab, creating new ground (these are called divergent faults.) Other faults, such as convergentfaults, occur when two plates smush into each-other and one is forced below the other where it heats up and is eventually destroyed. And the fracture zone is thus the junction between oceanic crustal regions of different ages.