I want to tell you something, this did not happen in the book outsiders I read i like a thousand times.
1. nice, kind sue helped matt with his books she is kind, samantha gave sue a cookie she is so nice
2. shut, close she shut the door hard. she softly closed the window
3. happy, Jolly Jolly was she in a good mood she was so happy she jumped up and down
4. hope, wish she hoped her grandma would come soon she wished on the wishing fountain
5. cold, chilly it was very chilly outside. the icecream was cold
6. pair, couple the pair danced to the music, the couple looked very cute
7. boat, ship the boat was very little, the ship had ghost pirates haunting it
context of reception refers to the individuals perception of the overall valence that the receiving society directs towards an immigrant group and the opportunity structure available to at the group.
a matter regarding a resolution