Now, imagine that you are the one having the conversation with Andrea. Read the following dialogue and rephrase your sentences b
y using the estar and tener expressions from this lesson to help Andrea better understand what you are trying to express.
You: “No estoy bien.”
Andrea: “¿Qué?”
You: (To help Andrea better understand what you are trying to express, rephrase your statement .)
You: “Estoy emocionado (or emocionada).”
Andrea: “Emocionado ( or emocionada). “¿Qué? No entiendo.”
You: (To help Andrea better understand what you are feeling, use a different TENER or ESTAR feelings phrase that is similar to the feeling stated.)
Submit your answers to your teacher to be graded.
1 answer:
You can use lots of resources like google translator
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but the correct is Estoy acostado.
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