Southwest region is defined as extending from the California coast to far eastern Texas.
- Southwestern is an informal name to the region of western United nations. Geographically this region is made of Mojave, Sonoran, and Chihuahuan Deserts, that great feature of the deserts.
- The two rivers of this region are colorado and Rio grande running on the eat north and south formed approx 8000 years ago.
- Most of the vegetation in this region is bush ad cactus. landscapes of this region include canyons, mesas, buttes, basin along with ranges.
- This region has an extremely diverse population of birds like a barn owl and red-tailed hawk. The southwest part contained many national parks and monument valleys.
Yes that answer above is correct
Slavery was more prevalent in South Carolina than in North Carolina because settlers of South Carolina came from plantations in Barbados and settlers of North Carolina usually had small farms. Another factor why slavery was common in the Carolinas was because the colonists in the Carolinas came from the Caribbean, where slavery was common.
Black slaves who wgere imported from africa