John locke believed the government was should only be in place to protect unaliable rights such as life liberty and property
Among the causes of the conflicts were the affranchis' frustrations with a racist society, turmoil created in the colony by the French Revolution, nationalistic rhetoric expressed during Vodou ceremonies, the continuing brutality of slave owners, and wars between European powers.
Subsistence crops are grown for the direct benefit of the farmer and their family. Cash crops are grown to deliberately be sold. ... Cotton makes a poor subsistence crop because you can't eat it and it has to be processed before it's useful (ginned, spun and woven)
O objetivo de suas viagens era encontrar uma passagem para a Ásia navegando para o oeste. Sem nunca realmente cumprir esta missão, suas explorações incluíram principalmente o Caribe e partes da América Central e do Sul, todas as quais já eram habitadas por grupos nativos.
American plan to help restore Western Europe following WW2. It provided over $13 billion in economic recovery programs to these economies, and hence, was largely successful.
Comment if you need any specifics, but I hope this is helpful.