- tengo un bate: Juega Béisbol
- No tengo un balón: Juega i don't know any sport dont need a ball
- tengo una raqueta: Juega Tenis
- Tengo una pelota: Juega futbol
- No tengo una bola: the same as 2
I don't understand why they say that Balón was different than Pelota or Bola. IT'S THE SAME THING my first lenguage is spanish
the answer is false. there are different variables in the sentence
The largest export category in Chile is metals.
Guatemala, a Central American country south of Mexico, is home to volcanoes, rain forests and ancient Mayan sites. The capital, Guatemala City, features the stately National Palace of Culture and the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Antigua, west of the capital, contains preserved Spanish colonial buildings. Lake Atitlán, formed in a massive volcanic crater, is surrounded by coffee fields and villages.