The string around the box was tied with a bow.
Usually when it’s tied with a bow it’s a present for someone which is positive because gift giving is showing someone you care for them.
It's called the circle of fifths because each key signature is separated by the distance of a fifth interval (for example: C to G on the circle above represents a fifth). it was help full because Use the circle of fifths to recall how many sharps or flats each key signature has, and to understand which major and minor keys are relative (or share the same key signature).
Nom - Nomus, Noma, Namum
Gen - Genus, Gena, Genum
Dat - Datus, Data, Datum
Acc - Accus, Acca, Accum
Abl - Ablus, Abla, Ablum
Nom - Nomuses, Nomas, Namumes
Gen - Genuses, Genas, Genumes
Dat - Datuses, Datas, Datumes
Acc - Accuses, Accas, Accumes
Abl - Abluses, Ablas, Ablumes<span />
"Neutral"..? Not sure. Or maybe "open"?