Victor assaults his investigations with excitement and, overlooking his public activity and his family far away in Geneva, gains quick ground. Later, Ardently dedicating himself to this work, he ignores everything else; family, companions, studies, and public activity, and becomes progressively pale, desolate, and fixated.
A collective noun is a noun that represents a collection of individuals, usually people, such as: a team
for example: eleven football players a family
for example: mother, father and two children a crew
for example: 100 sailors
b) the justice system that is objective and unflawed
I think
Well im not an expert or anything obvi but this is just my opion.
Well first of all if the virus doesnt wear off nothing will ever be the same again. We might be able to go see family or friends. But large gatherings includeing school just wont happen if it doenst get better.
I think that we will survive the virus oin the future. We have great doctors and scietists that are working on it everyday. I think that they will be able to find and anitbody.