X-rays don't reach the surface of Earth
- Due to the atmospheric absorption, the X-ray telescopes must be placed in the orbit to a higher altitude of 86,500 miles and as to detect the penetrating X rays that are used to study the soft radiation and to get a clear view of the universe.
By developing a set of traditions that its members practice
Agriculture is the main source of food, income, and employment of our country. ... Agriculture has been the highest priority because economic growth was dependent on both increasing the productivity of existing crops and diversifying the agricultural base for use as industrial inputs.
Modern agriculture is an evolving approach with innovations in farming practices that helps in increasing agricultural efficiency and reduce the loss of natural resources. By applying this modern technology, farmers are gaining more profits and able to increase their productivity of field.
Some of the modern techniques like selected variety of hybrid seeds of a single crop; bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides; technologically advanced equipment and energy subsidies in the form of irrigation water are commonly employed by the farmers. The sensors used to detect moisture in the soil help farmers to create irrigation systems for crops based on soil moisture and temperature. Working in low visibility field conditions like rain,dust and fog is possible with the help of modern technologies. Agricultural robots automate agricultural processes of fruit picking, crop harvesting, soil maintenance, irrigation, ploughing, planting, weeding and others. These robots automate slow and repetitive tasks for farmers to ensure focus on improving overall production yields. Land-augmenting technological changes involve technical, chemical and biological modifications to beintroduced in agriculture.
Answer: Amount of liquid it's being dissolved in
The substance that's being dissolved
D. set it outside and check on it every day
In order for Brittany to be able to study the soil erosion by using a simplified method of what the farmers do on the slopes to minimize it, she will need to take the pan, leave it outside, and check on it every day. By having the required shape, the soil will give somewhat an example of the soil on the slopes that has been plowed so that the furrows run along the hills. Since the hills do not move or tilt, the pan with the soil should be stable, static. Being put outside, it will be exposed to the natural conditions that cause the erosion, such as the water and wind. Brittany will need to check upon the soil every day and make detailed notes and measurements to see what the erosive effects are on it.