It was "John O'Sullivan" who <span>entitled the phrase "manifest destiny," since he used this phrase to describe the vision that the US was "destined" to expand all the way to the Pacific Ocean. </span>
After the first permanent English colony was settled in 1607, English colonists soon populated the entire eastern seaboard of the present-day United States.
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Greek artists included the ideas of reason, moderation, balance, and harmony in their works because they hoped that their art would inspire people to base their lives on these same ideas.
Taxation without representation means that the colonists believed that they should not be taxed by a government, if they were not even allowed to hold office in said government. The colonists considered this a problem because even though the French-Indian war had put a dent in British economy, the colonists were not even allowed to decide whether the war should happen in the first place. After all it was their homeland. In addition the colonists, not being allowed to hold office, could not propose any modifications to the taxes.
The involvement of the United States in Yom Kippur War led into an oil embargo that shocked everyone. The price of oil are shockingly high from $3 to $12 in no time. The supply were not equally given to the demand of the consumers.