Tough as nails were used to describe Harriet.
Here are a few practical ways by which the media could be made accountable for the manner they report news include: Sharing precise news with the public without taking bribes from the officials for printing wrong reports. Every news that is crafted by the media would be available for the public.
The president is advised by his CABINET.
How to use subtlety in a sentence. ... The pianist performed with subtlety and passion. we appreciated the subtlety ... in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. ... What made you want to look up subtlety?
The choice that best describes the sentence and explains how to improve it is: This sentence is complete and correct. It does not need any revision. The sentence above is an example of a complex sentence; it contains both an independent clause and a dependent or subordinate clause. The subordinate clause is introduced by the subordinating conjunction "after". After the comma, the independent clause follows to complete the whole thought of the sentence.