One ethical concern that might occur is the rise of bias in the police department. It would be possible for a disgruntled or frustrated cop to lean into new IT and be able to take advantage of a past suspect or an "enemy" of theirs such as a neighbor or even a coworker.
Time Complexity of Problem - O(n)
When n= 1024 time taken is t. on a particular computer.
When computer is 8 times faster in same time t , n can be equal to 8192. It means on increasing processing speed input grows linearly.
When computer is 8 times slow then with same time t , n will be 128 which is (1/8)th time 1024.
It means with increase in processing speed by x factor time taken will decrease by (1/x) factor. Or input size can be increased by x times. This signifies that time taken by program grows linearly with input size n. Therefore time complexity of problem will be O(n).
If we double the speed of original machine then we can solve problems of size 2n in time t.
Every node connects to a central network device. like a hub, switch, or computer.