the second one
this paragraph is simply saying that he was a very important historical figure
Governmental Religious Educational Economic and finally Family
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h t t p : / /w w w . b e a c o n l e a r n i n g c e n t e r . c o m / W e b L e s s o n s / G e o g r a p h i c a l T h e m e s / t h e m e p a g e s / i n s t i t u t i o n s . h t m l
He managed to ensure the fight for independence. The wealthy Creole elites were controlled by the Spanish and they disliked it because they wanted to be the rulers of a new and independent country. Bolivar got their support which meant that they could now fight and get the independence that they wanted.
Exclusive property implies genuine and individual property that is introduced, utilized, and vital for the activity of an absolved office, and that isn't helper property except if the assistant property excluded cost rises to or surpasses 85 percent of the all out expense of the property.
Indeed, even properties which have been acquired or given by either companion will in any case be essential for the outright network of property. In the event that couples choose to document an appeal for legitimate partition, revocation or separation, the lawful activity will have no impact on the property system except if legal division of properties (where couples are needed to part properties down the middle) has been recorded.
The assumption that the property is intimate alludes to property obtained during the marriage. When there is no appearing concerning when the property was gained by a life partner, the way that the title is in the mate's name means that the property has a place solely with said companion.
The development of a house at intimate cost on the exclusive property of a life partner doesn't naturally make it intimate. The facts confirm that, meanwhile, the intimate association may utilize both the land and building, however it does so not as proprietor but rather as asylum. The responsibility for land stays with the mate to whom it is enlisted until the worth thereof is paid.
Spanish Netherlands was the name for the Habsburg Netherlands ruled by the Spanish branch of the Habsburgs from 1556 to 1714. They were a collection of States of the Holy Roman Empire in the Low Countries held in personal union by the Spanish Crown (also called Habsburg Spain).