The Long March destroyed Mao Zedong's credibility with the Chinese. left Jiang Jieshi in complete control of the Chinese Communi
st Party. forced Mao Zedong to flee China and hide in the Soviet Union. greatly strengthened Mao Zedong's leadership position. was the final victory for the Guomindang.
The Long March greatly strengthened Mao Zedong's leadership position.
The Long March was the military retreat that the Communist Red Armies undertook during the civil war of 1934, leaving their encircled post in Southeast China. This move also led to the change in their operational base to Northwestern China. This historical trek took them a year, covering more than 4,000 miles, crossing mountain ranges and rivers along the way. While this heroic act led many young Chinese to be inspired to join the cause, it also cemented the leadership position of Mao Zedong.
FCC Fairness Doctrine--this doctrine created in 1949 required news programs present a balanced report on issues.
This doctrine ensured that the news were presented fairly with both sides. This doctrine of reporting was in place until 1987 which then saw the birth of one-sided news broadcasting.
Congress was protecting slaves that were freed after the Civil War
Johnson held that blacks were not qualified to become U.S. citizens and that the measure would “operate in favor of the colored and against the white race.” It was mainly made to protect rights