Monroe Doctrine and Roosevelt Corollary--the Monroe Doctrine first set the policy that the western hemisphere was closed to colonization. The Roosevelt Corollary took it a step further by providing military behind the policy.
Following the independence movement in the US and throughout Latin America, the US wanted to protect the area from future colonization. The Monroe Doctrine made the statement and then 80 years later the Roosevelt Corollary enforced the doctrine with our navy and army force.
Generally speaking, the tradition of separate nations takes this for granted and is justified so that people will not question why these nations are separated.
Tradition is the set of cultural goods that is passed on from generation to generation within a community. These are values, customs and manifestations that are preserved by the fact that they are considered valuable in the eyes of society and that are intended to instill new generations.
Tradition, therefore, is something that is inherited and that is part of cultural and social identity. The characteristic art of a social group, namely its music, its dances, its tales and proverbs, is part of what is traditional, like gastronomy.
The correct answer is a) caste.
In India, the division of kin groups in Jatis is not based on a specific principle, varying from ethnic origins to geographical occupation, exhibiting some variance. While the Jatis have not presented a fixed hierarchy, they present notions of a rank achieved over time considering lifestyle and social, political or economic status and considering the fact that the caste has a direct impact in these factors, we understand why it is the more relevant idea.
textile industry
Textiles were the dominant industry of the Industrial Revolution in terms of employment, value of output and capital invested. The textile industry was also the first to use modern production methods. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain, and many of the technological innovations were of British origin.