the answer should be the first one
Criminologists have developed many theories as to why people commit crimes. If you check the History Learning Site, it lists one prominent theory that explains how people are influenced by the environment around them, especially the environment they grew up in. Conversely, others believe that one's biology and genetics determine an individual's potential to become a criminal. Other theories suggest that humans are innately self-interested and will commit crimes if they perceive the benefits of the crime to be greater than the risks to themselves. Another theory maintains that people commit crimes based on their social environment and the people they associate with. Still others believe that individuals commit crimes because they are unable to achieve success in life through legal means. Ultimately, the reason that people commit crimes is likely a combination of many different theories and is highly dependent on the individual situation and characteristics of a particular criminal.
The action takes place in and around an old castle, sometimes
seemingly abandoned, sometimes occupied. The castle often contains secret passages,
trap doors, secret rooms, dark or hidden staircases, and possibly ruined sections. The
castle may be near or connected to caves, which lend their own haunting flavor with
their branches, claustrophobia, and mystery. (Translated into modern filmmaking, the
setting might be in an old house or mansion--or even a new house—where unusual
camera angles, sustained close ups during movement, and darkness or shadows create
the same sense of claustrophobia and entrapment.)