1. cita
2. medico de familia
3. consulta
5. sala de espera
7. pruebas
8. una prueba
9. tensión
10. análisis
11. recetara
12. especialista
13. profunda
14. puntos
15. escayolar
16. urgencias
17. radiografía
18. esguince
19. ambulatorio
They are correct but you are missing some words in your table of words.
cerrado means: <u>closed</u>
Scientists think that algae first evolved approximately 2.7 billion years ago, and soon after this oxygen began to exist in the atmosphere. Photosynthesis by primitive plants and algae released oxygen, which gradually built up in the atmosphere.
They are called <u>bodegón.</u>
<em>Bodegón </em>in Spanish refers to painting that represents still life and mostly food or people with food (fruits, vegetables, bread, drinks, etc.)
It became a painting style in 17th century. In catholic countries (Spain) painting food and still life had a religious connotation because it remembers us that earthly life and all its wealth is temporary. Some of the most famous Spanish artists that painte ¡d <em>bodegón</em> are: Zurbarán, Goya, Velázquez, etc.
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