One of the reasons people destroy or get rid of what they don't understand is the fear of the unknown. This fear is deeply anchored on self-preservation.
<h3>Examples of people getting rid of what they don't understand</h3>
<em>One key example of how this is practiced is in the relationship between man and animals</em>. People who are afraid that a certain kind of animal might hurt them are more likely to support hunting or killing such an animal.
<em>The other example is in relation to people. </em>Over the history of mankind, man has helped to destroy one another because of the fear of self-preservation. A fake document called Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which alleged that the Jews had a plan to take over the world triggered the Holocaust.
<h3>The danger of the mindset above</h3>
The irony is that many times, due to ignorance, a person or a group of people may do away with the very thing that can preserve or better their life.
- See the link below for related concepts to Self-preservation:
- The link below speaks to how animals help the entire ecosystem:
- the link below speaks to how much Jew has contributed to mankind:
No the 4th ammendment has to do with unreasonable seizes and searches for example when police ask if they can come in your house to seach or if they can search your car. The closest thing i can think of to making the 4th amendment irrelevant is when a cop brings a K9 to sniff your car for drugs and if the dog allerts to drugs they are llegaly allowed to search your car.
O thou whose face has felt the winter's wind