NC 1956=Goes to states legislature as an amendment to constitution --PASSES and NC remains segregated until 1971
-- Even with pupil assignment act, school system has the right to shut down a school if being threatened by integration
--And parents have the right to remove their child from public school and have a voucher to send them to a private school
Robert Cavelier<span>, </span>Sieur de la Salle was believed to be the first french explorer in Oklahoma territory.
<span>The purpose was to completely reconstruct the union and decide what to do with the problems facing it.
With reconstruction, Lincoln hoped to eliminate the roots that caused conflicts within the country (such as slavery, discrimination, unbalanced economic sector, etc) and transformed it into a more developed one.</span>
<u> B. A government's powers should be separated among different branches of government.</u>
Baron de Montesquieu was a French political philosopher often remembered for his work of a treatise on political theory, called <em>The Spirit of the Laws</em> (1748), in which he established and promoted the idea that the government should be separated into three different branches: the legislative, the executive, and the judicial. All of which should rule under the law and must check each other’s power in order to prevent corruption or abuses of power.