ill do it
las chicas Nececitamos
los chicos llevaron
usted buscando
you sing/tu cantas
we ask/nosotros preguntamos
they clean/ellos limpian
the boys study/los chicos estudiaron
they practice/ellos practicaron
she works/ella trabaja
she practice at noon/ella practica a medio dia
I help teach Spanish Monday/ Voy a ayudar a enseñar español
the boys cleans for the teacher/Los chicos limpian para el maestro
marina wants her books/ Marina quiere sus libros
Eliza and I are eating breakfast / Eliza y yo estamos desayunando
we arrive in Chicago/ llegamos a chicago
hope it helps/espero te sirva :3
The last one is correct has visto
Huasos are similar to cowboys in the United States. They deal mainly with cattle but can also be involved with farming. Most of the Huasos live south of Santiago.
Their clothing is very traditional. They wear a hat with a completely flat, round brim. It is traditionally black. They wear knee-high leather boots with spurs.
They generally wear a black, grey, or beige sash around their waist, with part of the sash hanging to the left. A short jacket that doesn’t cover the sash is worn over this.
Finally, a poncho is worn on top of this. The colors of the poncho depend on where the Huaso comes from.
Norma social
Espero y te ayude mi respuesta.
1.Como es Guanajuato?
Es muy lindo, con calles estrechas y casas del estilo Español.
Hay unas plazas hermosas y muchas iglesias. Esta ubicada en las montañas.
It's very pretty, with tight streets and houses in Spanish style. It has gorgeous places and many churches. It's located in the mountains.
2.Que estacion del ano es ?
Es verano.
It's summer.
3.Como pasa el dia padre de ella
El descansa en la casa hasta las diez. Despues, el baja a la ciudad y pasa la mañana en un restaurante bonito donde el toma uno o dos cafes mas. Lee un periodico y habla con la gente.
He takes a rest until ten am. Later, he goes down to the city and spends his morning in a restaurant where he has a coffee or two. He reads newspapers and talks to people.
4.Que estudian Laura y la amiga de ella?
Ellas estudian un curso de historia de Mexico, una clase de baile, una clase donde los estudiantes aprenden canciones mexicanas y aprenden a tocar la guitarra en la escuela secundaria porque necesitan practicar mas.
They study one course of Mexican history, a dancing class, a class where students learn Mexican songs and learn to play guitar, in the secondary school because they need to practice more.
5. En la noche de que hablan
Discutan las experiencias del dia.
They discuss about experiences of the day.