When the thirteen colonies and Britain were trading good my ship, they would go to Britain get there goods, go to Africa basically kidnap Africans, and bring them back to the thirteen colonies. This process was called the triangular trade. The part were the slaves to taken from Africa to America is called the middle passage.
Romans were upset by the emperor´sdecision to create more coins because they needed more coins to buy the same amount of food as before.
The United States viewed the conflict in Afghanistan as an integral Cold War struggle, and the CIA provided assistance to anti-Soviet mujahideen rebels through the Pakistani intelligence services in a program called Operation Cyclone.
Delegates from the South.
D. They have used irrigation to carry water from rivers to crops.
Irrigated agriculture is widespread in North Africa, about 28% of farmlands in North Africa are irrigated. For example, Libya has the largest irrigation project in the world, called the Great Man-Made River which supplies farmlands across Libya with freshwater for cultivation.
People in North Africa essentially, irrigated farming to make their land more suitable for agriculture.