Not sure if this is what you need.... is the teaching of the Catholic Church that in the Eucharist the appearance is quite unchanged, but the basic reality has become the body and blood of Christ.
The change from bread and wine to a presence of Christ that is true, real, and substantial is called transubstantiation.
Protestant countries diversified into secular forms of art like history painting , landscapes, portraiture, and still life .
Warm colors—yellow, orange, red and combinations therein—breathe energy, positivity and a sense of sunshine into any room. Cool colors—green, blue and purple—evoke relaxation and calm. Neutrals like white and gray can also lean warmer or cooler depending on their undertones.
Doing quite well actually how about you?
True ♒️♒️♒️♒️♒️♒️♒️♒️ so yeah true true