He has friends and family who belonged to communist party. This gave such problems to him.
Desajustes neuroquímicos en el cerebro.
Alteración del humor.
Problemas familiares, relacionales y sociales.
Problemas cardiovasculares.
Defectos en el embarazo.
Disfunción sexual.
Debilitamiento del sistema inmune.
peripheral-route processing
Peripheral route processing or better known as peripheral route to persuasion is the idea of a message evaluated on the basis of anything other than the central knowledge of the message. It occurs when an individual is persuaded by a surface level characteristics instead of the actual content. As per the question, the president is appealing to trust him on the basis of his position instead of factual information about the war, therefore he is using peripheral route processing.
This would obviously be the Battle of Bull Run
The correct answer to this open question is the following.
Let's see. My own interest group to address one of the social needs of the late 1800s and early 1900s will be an interest group that supports the American farmers.
The relevant issue of the late 1800s or early 1900s would be the injustices and lack of opportunities that limited production to many American farmers of that time. The name of my group would be AFCA (American Farmers; the Cornerstone of America).
My demands would be the following.
-Better seeds to farm the lands.
-Better nutrients to improve the quality of the land and make it more fertile.
-Good legislation and the creation of laws that protect and impulse American farmers.
-Fair transportation prices in railroads.
-Reduction of taxes.
The most important would be the proper legislation to support farming and develop the production of crops, not only for local or internal consumption but to export.
The leaders of the movement would have meetings twice a week, after having spent some time with people to listen to ing to their concerns. The location of the meetings would be the local church.
The flyers and pamphlets aimed to gain more supporters would include the following slogan: "The foundation of America starts with farmers. Don't ever make them forget it. Join us. It is you who is going to make us stronger."