When you see this kind of question use « BODMAS »
1.Add the 2 digits which is 3+7=10
2.Add the digits inside which is 0.7+1.3=2
3.Add the inside and outside
The first one is fraction and the second one is volume.
x + 15
Step-by-step explanation:
Since I don't know what this number is, I'm going to use the variable x to substitute for the value of the unknown number.
So it would just be x + 15 because addition is the operation of adding and the key words are usually more. Since one of the numbers is unknown, we can't get an answer like "100" because x is undefined.
Say x=100, then the number would be written as 115 in it's simplest form but you could also write it as 100+15. So I'm just using substitution.
Step-by-step explanation:
im sure that is 180 so if you did not believe me solve that and be ready for your task and your brain
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