The definition of a meter: Distance traversed in vacuum by light in 1/299,792,458 of a second.
According to this light travels 299,792,458 meters in a second. A nanosecond is 1 billionth of a second so light travels 299792458 / 1,000,000,000 meters in a nanosecond or 0.299792458m. (In a vacuum).
Human rights reports are a key instrument for gathering and analyzing data, presenting findings from monitoring and fact-finding operations, expressing concern about a human rights issue, engaging in discourse and advocating with authorities, and making suggestions for action.
Given Above…
When you have a comma splice, what you have are two
independent clauses connected by a comma as in the following sentence:
I like cats, I like dogs.
There is more than one way to correct a comma splice, and,
yes, true, one way to correct a comma splice is to have a coordinating
conjunction preceded by a comma as in the following sentence:
I like cats, and I like dogs.
Yes, Gatsby really loves Daisy. He loved her so much that he pretended to be rich, just so she would look his way. When he went to war, he kept all her letters and memories sealed safely in a book. When he found out she was marrying Tom, he sent her a letter with the truth that he was in fact poor, and he let her go because he believed she would have a much better life.