A correlation is some sort of connection between two or more ideas. The correlation between attendance and grades is that if a student has low attendance they would have lower grades than that of a student who had high attendance.
Survival of the fittest.social Darwinism that the poor are unfit and weak and the rich superior.<span />
You can consult Jschlatt about this topic, but until then I think I'll do.
In general, they don't care. That's why it's a sweatshop and not a normal business. The employers are typically in it for the money, which is why the conditions are so unideal (understatement). Someone who valued human life wouldn't force underpaid, malnourished children (or adults for that matter) to work in such horrible circumstances.
It says first football game on thanksgiving but that’s it
The Open Door policy was written in 1899. The U.S. was interested in acquiring cheaper goods (mainly cotton) from foreign markets.
John Hays wrote this policy to protect the privileges among countries that were trading with China. He wanted countries to have equal access to ports open to trade in China, and to avoid a monopoly.
The first note in the Open Door Policy said that (1) each great power should maintain free access to a treaty port or to any other vested interest within its sphere.