I believe it would A or D. Which is apple or half oranges. The question doesn’t really make sense. But I hope this helps.
Have a good day !!
Progressive muscle relaxation is a very effecient technique that is used for a person suffering from stress and anxiety. It is a technique that has also been applied in case of those people that are suffering from insomnia. Chronic pain has also been treated by the method of Progressive Muscle Relaxation or PMR. Stress and anxiety can deteriorate the health of a person along with creating disturbance in the digesion of food. So this technique can be useful for a person under numerous circumstances that can negatively affect the life of person.
es la canción oficial de Guayaquil/ Himno nacional de Guayaquil
1. Empezó a llover a las cinco y media.
2. Las fuertes lluvias trajeron consigo muchas desgracias.
3. Un poco de agua era beneficiosa ,
4. La lluvia no afectó a los habitantes de las montañas.
5. Yo estaba con mis ovejas cuando comenzó la tormenta.
Maybe help you.
Hay muchas cirugías corporales como: aumento de senos, Lifting facial, Transplante de cabello, Rinoplastia, Aumento de labios, Liposucción y