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Just did it on Fulton Virtual
It's been a while since I read Caesar (like a few months), but the conspirators made sure to arrange a meeting with Caesar so they could assassinate him against his knowledge (sorta, I think he suspected they would kill him)
aiah means the Lord is Salvation. He was son of Amoz. He was a high ranking citizen with access to the royal court. Isaiah prophecy was during the reign of Uzziah (good), Jothan (good), Ahaz (bad), and Hezzekiah (good) to the Southern Kingdom. In 722 BC the northern kingdom had fallen to Assyria and the south was on a similar trajectory. Isaiah repeatedly warn against alignment with foreign powers for protection.
It is making a definitive statement for a particular position, invoking the imagery of Uncle Sam.
White Man's Burden
It is a term that refers to the idea that Western people had a duty to civilize so-called “inferior” or nonwhite cultures. It was used to justify the European imperialism during the late nineteenth century.