when revsing the aim is to remember all the vital information and be able to retrieve all the neccessary infromation in an exam (recalling information that you have just learnt) so just passively reading a text book or going through class notes won't neessarily help as you may understand the information you're givern but without practising and trying to actively recall this new infromation you wont be able to retain anything for the exam so doing diffrent things like taking things out or adding things in means you're actively using your brain to help you undertand and therefore more likely to remenber the information under pressure.
Raising your hand is an important rule in school. This rule was made to keep order in the classroom. If no one raised their hands the classroom would be chaos. No one would be able to learn or hear one another. It would be too loud and no one would know who was speaking. This is why raising your hand is a rule that should be followed.