Here is a quick overview of each leader and some important notes :)
Osman was known as the most successful Ghazi. He built a small Muslim state in Anatolia between 1300 and 1326. This expanded from his successors buying land, forming alliances with Emirs, and conquering.
Mehmed II
Mehmed took power in 1451. Him and his army stormed into Constantinople and took over. Mehmed was then called Mehmed the conqueror. He rebuilt Constantinople and let many new people in. This city is now called Istanbul. This helped him gain control of trade. He took on the city in 1453.
Murad II
Murad is Mehmed the first son. Murad defeated Venetians and invaded Hungary. Him and his army were also strong enough to overcome the Italian army. He rebuilt the military after Osman.
Selim the Grim
Selim the Grim came to power in 1512. He swept through many different cities and took over. Selim the Grim took over one city in particular. He took over Cairo, which was the intellectual center of the Muslim world.
Suleyman came to power in 1520. He conquered Belgrade in 1521. The following year, he dominated the whole east Mediterranean. He also conquered much of Europe in 1526. He had become the most powerful monarchs on earth.
Peace under Tokugawa - True
Conquerors of Korea - True
Replacement of cotton by hemp as the primary cloth used by the Japanese - True
Economic Integration - False
Japan was developed around 30,000 years ago by the people of the area. The people developed their own culture named as Jomon and resided in the area of Asia. There was peace agreement in Tokugawa and this was due to keep the Christians away from Japan. They used to wear hemp clothes which were stitched as aprons, jackets and other protective garments which help them cover their body.
Lenin was good in school and learned the Latin and Greek languages. In 1887, he was thrown out of Kazan State University because he protested against the Tsar who was the king of the Russian Empire. He continued to read books and study ideas by himself, and in 1891 he got a license to become a lawyer.
FALSE- it’s not a Psychological construct it a human connection