I believe here are the challenges:
<span>a) competition grom countries with larger economies (the strongest competitor come from United States, China, Russia, Japan, and South Korea)
</span><span>c) an aging population, ( In recent years they experienced about 77% increase in elderly population)
d) members with weak economies (Most notably is Greece which is really close to bankruptcy)</span>
Answer: The answer is complex and not straightforward.
The article relates to Churchill and Roosevelt, so is probably dated from World War 2.
Given this and the reference to the use of force by aggressive nations it is reasonable to assume that this refers to the Axis nations and their allies, primarily Germany, Japan and Italy.
What is being referred to is reflected in the policies applied to Germany and Japan at the end of World War 2. (Italy had already switched sides and deposed Mussolini).
In the post war agreements drawn up, Germany and Japan were largely demilitarised with strict control over their armed forces. In the case of West Germany their limited armed forces existed only within the context of NATO to prevent any aggressive use as was evidenced at the beginning of World War 2.
In both instances these countries were not allowed to develop or possess nuclear weapons.
Until such time as there is a global disarmament treaty, as referred to in the article, then countries which are deemed "aggressive", the losers in a conflict, by others, the winners, have arms controls imposed.
Of course this does not and has not stopped the proliferation of weapons, and conflicts throughout the world since 1945, including the aggressive policies of countries such as the UK and the USA.
This thoery says that history has an impact on the personas developed by futher generations.
According to the theory given by Stauss and Howe, historical events have an effect and impact on the recurring generational personas from one generation to the other.
Each persona of a new generation unleashes and develops a new era which might go on for the next 20 to 25 years. In this new era, new political. economical climate will exist in the society.
A) Loyalists outnumbered Patriots.
Especially many loyalists were observed in the South, in New York, in Pennsylvania, and in Georgia and South Carolina they made up the majority. Loyalists called for moderation in the struggle for the rights of the colonies, for which they were attacked by radical patriots. Georgia was one of the main centers of loyalists in the Revolutionary War. During the war, there were whole army formations formed from loyalists; nevertheless, their actions had little effect on the outcome of the entire Anglo-American conflict.