Pretty sure your answer is B. They didn't get equal rights until the 60's, I don't believe they were removed from jobs, and I'm fairly certain they wouldn't have done work without pay (The Great Migration is a good example of that).
Farmers faced Native American raids, poor growing conditions, droughts, disease, insects, and anything that would give farmers a hard time now. Farmers had to pay higher prices for transportation which caused less profit - crops prices fell which also caused less profit. The government issued greenbacks then retired them, causing an increase in the value of money in the circulation.
Cause-peole don't like whats going on
processes-rallys prortests etc.
conquences-soetimes it gets out of hand
English response:
Silly putty was a silicone polymer that also acted as a viscous liquid. It replaced the use of rubber in the United States in the World War II. Silly putty was used to produce gooey, bouncy material. Therefore, non-toxic putty could spread and bounce and could not go moldy more than rubber.
Respuesta en Espanol:
La masilla tonta era un polímero de silicona que también actuaba como un líquido viscoso. Reemplazó el uso de caucho en los Estados Unidos en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La masilla tonta se usó para producir material pegajoso e hinchable. Por lo tanto, la masilla no tóxica podría extenderse y rebotar y no podría enmohecerse más que el caucho.
Hope this helped!!!
Espero que te pude ayudar!
Mantente segura!!