A shy man. A class act. A visionary. An experimental writer. A socially engaged citizen. A "shameless magpie," as he described his habit of picking up on the sounds of people's speech, fragments of their stories. Although opinions vary on how to describe the man, John Steinbeck is one of America's most beloved and honored writers. Described as "the bard of the people" in a Centennial celebration of his birth that lasted a full year, he gave a voice to the downtrodden and dispossessed in America. His compassionate portraits of the human condition sell more than 700,000 copies every year, and many of his works are cherished by every generation that discovers them. As popular today as he was during his lifetime, nearly all of his works are still in print.
Here ya go! Hope this helps! Please spell check; mine is being buggy today.
Scruntiny: Watson was used to Sherlock's scruntiny about mysteries.
Inconsequential: Not important or significant. Sentence: The spilled milk seems inconsequential when compared to the murder.
Illuminated: Lit with bright lights. Sentence: During christmas our town is illuminated with decorative lights.
Coveted: Greatly desired or envied. Sentence: The royal robe was a coveted item at the gallery.
The answer is to identify the supporting details.
O Despite the controversy surrounding its origins, the impact of film is not contested
In the given passage, Yuma wrote the impact of film in the modern world. The given conclusion also includes a statement about how it would become a normal presence in our lives.
But among the given options, the sentence <em>"despite the controversy surrounding its origins the impact of film is not contested"</em> would be the best addition to the given conclusion passage. This is because the two conclusion sentences were written by Yuma mention the time film emerged and be a part of daily American life. And adding detail about the controversy surrounding the origin of films and how their impact is not contested will add to a much more detailed conclusion.
Thus, the correct answer is the third option.
Briefly , intentionally
Adverbs are verbs and adjectives combined, and describe how something was done. Most adverbs end in -ly.