December 14, 1799 monsieur
Used wampum belts to conduct trade: Pequot
Were part of the Iroquois Confederacy: Mohawk
Engaged in a war with settlers in South Carolina: Yamasee
They supported the union with supplies and ammounation
Austria-Hungary controlled the affairs of Serbia.
Serbia was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian Armed Forces from late 1915 until the end of World War I. On July 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, initiating the conflict. In October 1915, a combined Austro-Hungarian and German offensive breached the Serbian front from the north and west while Bulgaria attacked from the southeast, following three unsuccessful Austro-Hungarian offensives between August and December 1914. The Central Powers had occupied all of Serbia by January 1916.
The Austro-Hungarian Army was permitted to impose martial law, engage in hostage-taking, burn villages in punitive raids, and put down uprisings with public hangings and summary executions in addition to a military legal system that outlawed all political organizations, forbade public assembly, and took control of schools. Between 150,000 and 200,000 men, women, and children were deported to concentration and internment camps throughout Austria-Hungary during the occupation, with the most notable ones being Mauthausen in Austria, Doboj in Bosnia, and Nagymegyer, Arad, and Kecskemet in Hungary.
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