I can do some, not all sorry!
2. Restaurant
3. William
4. Sole
6. Orchestra
7. Avocado
12. Fire
9. Pillow
14. Answer
15. My
Hope that helped, let me know if you need more help! I can always help, just right now I can't do all.
1. Descansa
2. Relájense
3. Tómela
4. Descríbalos
5. Mejorémosla.
6. Consúltale
7. Coman bien
8. Váyase.
The imperative mode is used to give orders, requests or wishes. The imperative has its own forms only in the second person of the plural and the singular (tú, ustedes) in the rest of the people we use the subjunctive mode.
ill do it
las chicas Nececitamos
los chicos llevaron
usted buscando
you sing/tu cantas
we ask/nosotros preguntamos
they clean/ellos limpian
the boys study/los chicos estudiaron
they practice/ellos practicaron
she works/ella trabaja
she practice at noon/ella practica a medio dia
I help teach Spanish Monday/ Voy a ayudar a enseñar español
the boys cleans for the teacher/Los chicos limpian para el maestro
marina wants her books/ Marina quiere sus libros
Eliza and I are eating breakfast / Eliza y yo estamos desayunando
we arrive in Chicago/ llegamos a chicago
hope it helps/espero te sirva :3