A few years ago me and my sister went to the store late at night to go get some snacks. we spent like an hour looking around in the store and goofing off. finally we got tired and we were ready to go home. we checked out and started walking out the the car, across the dark parking lot. we started getting closer and i felt super uneasy, like i was being watched. i told my sister to hurry and get in the car because i was nervous. we both have anxiety so when i said this it immediately caused her to get worried so we threw the stuff in the car really fast and jumped in. As we were driving away, i looked out the back window and saw a tall man in a mask by the dark spot of the parking lot. if i wouldn’t have said anything who knows what could’ve happened to us, we were lucky that night.
the article “Plagiarism,” the three situations in which a journalist does not
need to provide attribution are the following:
</span>Common Knowledge –
it is when the information is very common to almost all people.
</span>Background Information
– when information is factual and can be taken from a number of reliable
3. <span>Observation – when information has been
experienced first hand</span>
Gregor transforming into an insect. hopes this helps.
One such situation in which compulsion might be implicit is if someone is in need or rescuing, since although they could be "forced" to be rescued, it can be assumed that they would want to be rescued anyway.
It's basically just saying to appreciate everything you have in life, whether you have a lot or a little. It also says that objects don't make happiness.