<span>http://www.123helpme.com/view.asp?id=142974 </span>http://politicalpartiesush.weebly.com/federalists-vs-democratic-republicans.html
Because Gandhi also fought for discrimination
Here are the decisions that the business cycle can help businesses make:
1. Whether to grow of shrink the business.
2. Whether to increase or decrease production.
3. Whether to hire or lay off worker.
4. Whether to invest or save money.
Hope this answers your question.
c: is the Answer
The Equator is the line that sets the middle of the globe. It is set at a latitude of 0 degrees. The extremes are 90 degrees north of the Equator and 90 degrees south of the equator.
The city of Bejing in China is located at 39 °N or 39 degrees north of the Equator. This means it is located in the northern hemisphere of the planet
the way that the government structure is constructed, they are both managed by the decision of the people, both have a system for making laws and set of rules.