here yah go
el brazo : the shoulder
la calbeza:the head
el codo: the elbow
el cuello:??
el dedo:the fingers
la espalda :the back
el estomaga :the stomach
la garganta:the throat
el hueso:the bone
la muneca:the doll (i think)
el pie: the feet
la pierna:the leg
la rodilla:the knees
el tobillo:the ankle
sentiser mal:feeling bad
tener: to have
calor :hot
doler:to hurt
caminar: to walk
correr:to run
desencar:to rest
dormir:to sleep
hacer ejerircio :doing excersice
levanter pesas:?life weight
mover:to move
quedarse en cama:stay in bed
he is the nurse , she is the nurse??\
la/el medico :the doctor
puner"to put
la inyeccion:the injections.
la radiograffea:?
la receta :the recipe???
la medicina : the medicine
la pistilla: the pills
recomendar:to recommend
Answer: the bridge would probably not collapse.
A 20 foot long bridge is found supporting both ends. Consider that the weight acts in the center, what are the strengths that you exercise at each end when a 600 lb. mower is 8 feet from the left end of the bridge?
It would depend on what you're talking about.
If you are refering to the subject, it would be 'physics'.
But if you are refering to something that is tangible, then it would be 'physical'.