Bio hazard since it's used as a pesticide
They flow out of the thylakoid , and give energy to a phosphate group.
For example, the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to provide the body with oxygen and to rid the body of carbon dioxide. The lungs provide a place where oxygen can reach the blood and carbon dioxide can be removed from it. Each of your body systems relies on the others to work well. Your respiratory system relies on your circulatory system to deliver the oxygen it gathers, while the muscles of your heart cannot function without the oxygen they receive from your lungs. ... Your circulatory system delivers oxygen-rich blood to your bones.
Climate change cannot be
measured with a single instruments but require thousands of measuring devices
that spread across the globe, land and under the sea. Thus,parameters
measured in climate change includes: Rainfall, Sunshine hours, Temperature, Relative
humidity, Atmospheric pressure, Wind speed .
However, there are various instruments used for the measuring of climate
change and they can be classified as follows: weather balloons and buoys, thermometers, wind anemometers,
Manual rain gauges, transmitting rainfall gauges and Automatic Weather
Myelin sheath
Myelin sheath cover the axon of neurons and act as insulator for the faster transmission of signals.
Each axon is covered by multiple myelin sheaths and the gap between myelin sheath are known as Nodes of Ranvier.
In CNS myelin sheath is composed of glial cell called as oligodendrocytes and in PNS the myelin sheath is composed of Sachwann cells (glial cells).