A magician walked up to me. "What do you have in your hand?", I asked him. "A deck of cards. Want to see a trick?" I cautiously agreed. He began shuffling and told me to pull a card. I pulled a heart of 3. He shuffled again and put up my card! "Is this the card you pulled?" "It is! That is mine!" I was confused, yet amazed. "Do you get it?", he asked, "no, I don't all."
Its a little more than 5 sentences. Hope thats okay!
56 divided by 4 = 14 then 56-14= 42
42 of the apples are red.
3rd person because it’s told from a narrators point of view
Martel’s “The Life of Pi” is a coming of age story about a young man’s reaching maturity through tragic but uplifting story of loss and miraculous survival. The story is based on a journey which contains adventure, tradgedy, humour, and also the survival of the fittest mentality. Yann Martel depicts a story of a youth who seeks knowledge, wisdom, connectivity, and spirituality through religeon and zoology. Applying the craft’s he has practiced and is taught, protagonist Pi Patel seeks survival on a stranded boat with an orrangatang, a tiger, an injured zebra and a hyena.