Sorry, I would need to see paragraph 1 to answer this.
It shows Donne in a non-serious playful mood. The poet's satirical vein finds full play, and the poem fully justifies Leishman's praise of Donne as, the monarch of wit. As usual, the emotional situation is defined in the very beginning. The poet is dejected and down-hearted because his beloved has rejected him.
<u>How </u> do mountains <u>form </u>?</h3>
<em>This </em><em>is </em><em>the </em><em>answer </em><em>as </em><em>per </em><em>your</em><em> </em><em>question</em>
You can accomplish more with others than alone because it’s not just 1 mind that’s thinking and processing, it’s multiple. For example, if your doing a math question by yourself you might not know the answer. But, if you have a partner then they might know the answer and can help you answer the question.
Writing a Postcard would most likely not be there ^^