Whittier used "We" and "Thou" as forms of repetition in his song of slaves in the desert.
We: He used we as to show that basically slaves WERE NOT alone in this at all. In a way at that time, every single slave was connected with each other no matter what.
Thou: From what i have seen, Whittier is using "Thou" to refer to God. For example: "We are fools, but Thou art wise"
For the devices, he's using Anaphora for "Thou" and maybe Conduplicatio for "We".
A simile is used to compare her voice to a "cool, dark room in summer- peaceful, soothing, quiet". This helps let readers know that she is most likely very nurturing, caring, and a definite "motherly figure"
If you need to know how many she had left then... 2/5 x 1/3 = 6/15. Sorry if I came out rude, but I hope I helped! Let me know if you need anything else!
For example "the amounts of money being lost by the company were enough to make it an industry that was teetering"