16-17 antonyms 18-19 synonym 20 antonyms
I recently read this book. Ponyboy fantasized about going home and he thought of his parents.
Have a Nice Day!
by insisting that everyone with a soul deserves rights
In the excerpt she says that "if the negro be a soul, if the woman be a soul...to one Master only are they accountable." Throughout the passage, Fuller uses various ways to insist that everyone deserves rights. She strengthens her arguments by comparing women's rights to those of the negro. She uses her arguments to show that if an African American should not be held in bondage, neither should a woman. It doesn't matter your race or gender, if you have a soul, you deserve the same rights as everyone else.
The speaker believes that she and her peers ought to be in charge of assigning sentences in cases like Hester's.
Mrs. Cratchit is reluctant to drink when Bob proposes a toast to Mr. Scrooge, because A. She resents Scrooge for his miserly ways and his poor treatment of her husband. Reluctant means: <span>to feel or show doubt: or to be unwilling or not eager to do something.
You may want to double check with another site though, I'm sure the answer is already out there somewhere.