Depends on the circumstance ? Can be court can be war I dont know what position of view your asking this in, anyways hope that helped in any way (:
The CCC was a relief program for young men.
The states ratified the new Constitution of the United States in 1787, which created three branches of the federal government: Congress, the courts, and the presidency. In 1789, George Washington became the first person to hold the office of President of the United States.
There were actually four HUGE causes for WW1, treaties and alliances brought many countries into war, the imperialism of some countries scared other countries, and they were "defending" themselves, there was a lot of weapons stocking, and countries were creating gigantic armies, and that threatened other countries, and then we have plain old nationalism.
It’s the same beacuse the immigrants were wanting to start a new life here. It’s differnt beacuse we can’t have them here now like we could back then