Confucianism is the religious and socio-political ideology of Koung Fou Tseu. Among the <u>principles of Confucianism, the main one is known by the Eastern peoples as junchaio, which are considered the teachings of the sages. This principle is what defines the Tao (upper path), a way of having a balanced life, satisfying the will of heaven and earth.
In addition to being a philosopher, Confucius was also a mantra for his people. In it, people sought a model of behavior and answers to their desires. The philosophy of the Chinese thinker merged with other religious cults of Chinese antiquity, including those dealing with gods and immortals, giving rise to a form of syncretism of religions.
Well, America mostly used Rome's ideas and beliefs, but I do believe it is either A or B, mostly B. A secular government is the freedom of religious persecution.