1) google
2) bing
3) yahoo
4) safari
5) baidu
6) ask!
7) aol
8) duckduckgo
9) yandex
10 webcrawler
You put it in the skills and certifications section
import random
print("Hello! I have a random number from 1 to 100! It is your job to try and guess it!")
number = random.randint(1,101)
guess = int(input("start to guess: "))
num_guesses = 1
while guess != number:
if guess > number:
guess = int(input("try again: "))
num_guesses +=1
elif guess < number:
print ("higher")
guess = int(input("start to guess: "))
num_guesses +=1
print("congrats it took you", num_guesses, "tries")
The binary representation of +3997 is 1111 1001 1101.
In one's complement this is simply adding a sign bit and inverting all the bits:
1 0000 0110 0010
The two's complement is the one's complement plus 1:
1 0000 0110 0011
That's 13 bits. Normally the sign bit would be at an 8, 16 or 32,... bit boundary.
For -436 it's 10 0100 1100 and 10 bits
MAC Addresses (Destination and Source MAC address)
A switch has 3 primary functions:
- Forward frames
- Learn addresses
- Avoid loops
An Ethernet frame has the header, data and trailer and there are two specific fields in the header that helps the switch to know where to send data in future transmissions.
- destination MAC address
- source MAC address
every Ethernet frame has this and when the frame hits a switch or any device, any device can look at it ( an Ethernet frame ) and know where it is suppose to go and where it came from.
Every switch has a MAC address table where it stores MAC addresses of different computers on the network.
When a PC1 sends a frame to PC2 through a switch, the switch looks at the header of the Ethernet frame for the source mac address and adds the source MAC address to its MAC address table and also the port that it came through.
simply put:
A switch looks at the source MAC address to see if it knows it already, if it does. Great! no need to add it again to it's address table.
If it doesn't, it adds it's source address and the port that the frame came from.
This basically how the switch populates its MAC address table.