Not sure but i read other sources and they said its true. But I can't say its going to be right.
Premise is an assumption that something is true
Centuries ago, the language was more precise than it is now. In the present, and even 30+ years ago, we have started using shortened and made up words. Because of this, our language has become more difficult to learn and teach. The English language has generally become more lazy as well.
The glider.
-Makes use of gravity in order to stay on air.
-It is a heavier-than-air type.
-They move through the air in order to create the lift they need to stay on air.
-The major pioneer of this type of aircrafts was Otto Lilienthal.
-The first flight of a glider was achieved by Otto Lilienthal and Gustav Lilienthal in 1891.
-There exists different types of gliders: paragliders and hang gliders.
-They normally do not make use of any propulsion system (nonpowered).
-Were used during WWII for different purposes, such as providing goods or to study metheorology.
-Very popular for leisure time activities and sports.
-Paper airplanes are a very popular, commom and easy type of gliders, and a way to approach to their functioning.